Mr GM/SR, Is there any chance of removing incompetent Sr.DOM/TVC?

Due to TVC division’s poor performance, southern zone is not able to climb up the chart

The incompetent PCOMs in all most all of the Zones are answerable for delay of the trains

Trivandrum: Due to continuing train delay in Kerala becoming a headache for Southern Railway administration and also the operating wing will be revamped in Palakkad and Tiruanantpuram Divisions. Even in fully electrified double line track trains are not running on time in Kerala especially in Trivandrum division.

Among divisions, Trivandrum is the worst performing one with only 35-40% punctuality at present. Railway Board has realized that the sole reason for train delay is not to track renewal but mismanagement at controlling level.

The recent decision by Railway Minister Piyush Goyal to cut down General Managers promotions on the basis of punctuality has put pressure on senior officers at zonal level.

As a counter effect the incompetent Principal Chief Operations Managers (PCOMs) in all most all of the Zones, like Northern and Southern Railway’s, are answerable for delay of the trains as entire train operations in zones are handled by them.

Once data loggers start recording train arrivals punctuality will further dip by another 15% in Trivandrum division sources says. The laxity and inefficiency of operating department is messing up things in Kerala.

A recent directive from Ministry of Railways says before June 30 punctuality must be improved at divisions and zones. According to the recent data in Southern Railway in Palakkad, Salem, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli and Chennai punctuality is over 70%. Due to Trivandrum division’s poor performance, southern zone is not able to climb up the chart.

To overcome the present issues passenger associations are demanding posting of direct officers as Senior Divisional Operation Manager (Sr.DOM) and Assistant Operation Managers (AOMs) at Trivandrum division. Especially from outside Kerala, where a number of trains are run day to day basis.

According to Passenger Associations during the tenure of Rajesh Agarwal as DRM, that time only trains were running on time. They are asking to GM/SR about that is there any chance to remove very incompetent present Sr.DOM/TVC from his post after many years and due to his incompetence?