Save Railway-Save Nation from disaster called Zero Based Time-table

The Ministry of Railways is finalising the "zero-based timetable" for all passenger trains.

Sign the petition here as much as you can sign, if you want to really save the Indian Railways

“The ongoing exercise of Railway officials will mark in history who converted Indian Railways from “Peoples Life Line” to “Money Making Pvt. Ltd. Co.”

Indian Railways never was business, at least when comes to service of passengers, since its inception it was  heavily linked with social obligations being national transporter.

But now, it is analysed through media that, when entire nation is suffering in Covid situation, few Babus of Railway Board without studying fabric and diversity of Indian commuters, by asking suggestions from IIT Bombay sitting in AC rooms, decided to implement zero based time table which will be death blow fro tire two cities and small to medium sized stations.

1. More than a few thousands of trains are going to be cancelled permanently.

2. More than 7000 useful stoppages of small stations get eliminated.

3. Poor friendly Passenger trains gets converted to express tag with the same speed but hiked price of ticket.

In short “Indian Railways” will become a private profit making company.

By this zero time table, 6000+ stoppages of rural India would be eliminated, more than 3000 trains are going to be cancelled on a permanent basis even though they have more than 50-60% occupancy.

Idea behind this is saving 2-3 hours of long distance trains duly clearing paths, but reality is its tricks of handing over free paths to private operators.

Big metro cities can sustain by these reforms or assault but by saving 2-3 hours for city centric trains, India’s rural commuters get severe trouble, have to pay access express charge for passenger trains, have to travel district head quarter to board express trains.

Indian rural and taluka center stations can’t show profit in ticket sales, 20-50 people if they use one express train also it is wrong to cancel those stoppages as its the duty of Indian Railways to cater each citizen.

Let them control future stoppages no issues but removing existing stoppages will kill small stations and business ecosystems flourished around these systems.

Also each running train has its own commuters dependency, cancelling those trains to create a path for goods and private trains is nothing but grave injustice.

If Indian Railways wants to let them hike the price of all class by Rs. 100-200 and by that money let them build tracks and Platforms, but cancelling trains and showing punctuality is such a crook method.

This exercise of Railway Minister or the Government will mark in history who converted Indian Railways from “Peoples Life Line” to “Money Making Pvt. Ltd. Co.” for the private operators or their favorite corporate friends.

Immediately stop this “Zero Base Time Table” to save Indian Railways  and to keep it serving the common man, all trade unions and patriotic citizens should immediately stress for stopping this exercise against the poor people of this poor country.

Sign the petition here as much as you (railway employee) can sign, if you want to save railways-

#SaveRailway #SaveNation #indianrailways #pmoindia