Government changed the labour act but labour unions are silent

Recognised Railway Labour Federation leader Shivagopal Mishra, GS/AIRF and Dr. M. Raghavaiyah, GS/NFIR with Piyush Goyal, Minister for Railways

The saddest part is that the people who supposed to safeguard the rights of the working class are not even bothered to respond

Couple of days ago, the Government has sneaked through three Labour codes through both the houses of Parliament, while the opposition was busy boycotting the Parliament.

Even with the existing Labour Acts the workmen generally used to get a raw deal as the balance in most cases used to be tilted highly in favour of the Management.

Even a small change to these labor acts is bound to cause serious damages to the workers cause.

Shockingly, the Government brazenly changed these acts forgoing several clauses which safeguard the workers protection and has even changed the definition of “wages” and “workmen” in these codes.

The saddest part is that the people who are supposed to safe guard the rights of the working class are not even bothered to respond.

The biggest Unions in India are that of Railway employees’ and both the recognised Federations and their affiliated Zonal Bodies of Zonal Railways are silent in this issue till now which is nothing but ignominious.

It is clear that these so called leaders of recognised federations and zonal unions of Railways are scared to confront the Government in any serious issue and are content to live their luxurious life at the cost of workers.

It is pertinent that the workers should kick away these black sheeps from their respective posts at least now so that at least some respect will remain in the trade union movement in this country.

#Published as received

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